Global Table Games & Game Protection Conference

Richard Marcus Books

After retiring from my 25 years as a poker and casino cheat, I wrote my memoirs, “American Roulette,” which takes you with me on a wild ride as I cheat the pants off casinos all over the world, and have tons of fun doing so! My second book, “Dirty Poker,” is about all the cheating and corruption in the online poker and brick and mortar poker worlds. Written in 2006, I predicted the major online poker scams that happened in 2007 and 2008. My third book, “Identity Theft, Inc.,” has a section devoted to marker/credit scams in casinos. My fourth, “World’s Greatest Gambling Scams,” details ten of the best casino and poker cons ever laid down on this or any other planet! To read more about each book, simply click on the links.

Casino Game Protection Training from Both Sides of the Table

25 Years cheating casinos then 15 years training them how to stop me.


This eBook is both a game protection instruction manual and a second memoir or sequel to my book “American Roulette.” It is both informative and entertaining, lots of funny Game Protection stories. It is actually being there, an attendee at my game protection training seminar. No other game protection book by anyone gives you this kind of experience. The price is $15.00. Table of Contents below.

Dirty Poker: The Poker Underworld Exposed

Have you ever wondered if you have been cheated at poker? Do you any idea how much poker cheating goes on? Do you know about collusion, sleight-of-hand, marked cards, chip dumping and sophisticated cheating online?

Cheating in poker is more common than people care to believe. In fact, it’s rampant. Especially online and in major international tournaments including the WORLD SERIES OF POKER in Las Vegas, not to mention regulated public cardrooms. There are many ways to cheat at poker, some subtle, some not so subtle. Richard Marcus knows them all.

Thirty years ago poker was a minority interest. The advent of online poker play has changed all that – poker is now big business. Millions of players play poker every day, both live and online. If you are one of them, you will want to ensure that the poker games you play in are clean. Richard Marcus will tell you how poker cheaters operate, what methods poker cheaters use and how to spot them.

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John DoeMichael Konik, author of Telling Lies and Getting Paid and The Man with the $100,000 Breasts and other Gambling Stories 
John DoeMichael Konik, author of Telling Lies and Getting Paid and The Man with the $100,000 Breasts and other Gambling Stories 
"American Roulette provides the titillating thrill of being welcomed inside a forbidden world… Marcus and his gang of thieves have a brazen ingenuity, and enterprising criminal spirit that’s hard to resist. AMERICAN ROULETTE is as fun as it is revealing." Michael Konik, author of Telling Lies and Getting Paid and The Man with the $100,000 Breasts and other Gambling Stories 
Timothy L. O'Brien, author of Bad Bet: The Inside Story of the Glamour, Glitz, and Danger of America's Gambling Industry 
Timothy L. O'Brien, author of Bad Bet: The Inside Story of the Glamour, Glitz, and Danger of America's Gambling Industry 
"Richard Marcus is that rarest of tour guides: a real insider who offers an unvarnished account of how he cheated casinos out of tidy little piles of money....a rare tell-all."
Bert Randolph Sugar, author of The Caesar's Palace Sports Book of Betting 
Bert Randolph Sugar, author of The Caesar's Palace Sports Book of Betting 
"So much fun to read that this book deserves to be in two sections of every bookstore – Crime and Magic. One of the most original books on gambling and Las Vegas that I've ever read."
"American Roulette qualifies as a great book...a fascinating study in the hows and wherefores of casino cheating, as well as casino security...while Marcus is hardly a role model, his account is an interesting and often suspenseful glimpse into a world of which relatively few are aware. RECOMMENDED"
Details Magazine
Details Magazine
"In this memoir, a grafter with a predator's understanding of human frailty recounts his true adventures swindling casinos the world over. Marcus's prose is so detail-rich it's as if you're fattening your pockets and running from the "steam" [i.e., angry casino muscle] right alongside him."
Library Journal
Library Journal
"It's a shame that Hollywood's Rat Pack is no more, because Marcus's account of his career cheating casinos (he is now retired-and not in a jail cell) would be the perfect vehicle for Old Blue Eyes, Dino, and the gang. It features high rollers, exotic locales, beautiful women, a detective obsessed with busting the protagonist, and tension in every move."
Las Vegas Mercury
Las Vegas Mercury
"While the dish that casinos serve may be illusory and never satisfying, American Roulette treats us to a feast where, for once, the tables have been turned."
"A fun read but don't try these tricks on your next trip to Las Vegas."
Alex Witt, MSNBC, Right Now
Alex Witt, MSNBC, Right Now
"Fascinating Stuff...All the ins and outs offered up"
Entertainment Tonight, Featured on ET's "The Insider"
Entertainment Tonight, Featured on ET's "The Insider"
"One of the most successful the game has ever seen… Reveals how he scammed over one million dollars without getting caught planning heists"
"American Roulette: Confessions Of A Cheat makes for fascinating reading. How Marcus and his team circumvented security measures and got away with their cheating make for some fascinating reading. This is a fascinating, well-detailed book. It should be read by anyone who thinks its easy to cheat, but might not realize how dangerous it is and the consequence if caught. Marcus survived, retired and has no regrets about his lifestyle. Few have been so lucky."
Publishers Weekly
Publishers Weekly
"Marcus (never caught and now retired) is likable and creates suspense as he takes on casino after casino...Readers find vicarious thrills sharing the rush of risking thousands of dollars against years in a Nevada prison."
Sam Shane, MSNBC, Right Now 
Sam Shane, MSNBC, Right Now 
"It¹s amazing, because they keep a very close eye on you when you walk up to those tables" 
Las Vegas Weekly
Las Vegas Weekly
"American Roulette informs the non-cheater of an interesting world of manipulative psychology that goes into conning dealers and planning heists"
Detroit Free Press
Detroit Free Press
"A great book…Marcus reveals entirely believable tales of how he swapped out chips and pulled all sorts of other scams against the Evil Empire"