Global Table Games & Game Protection Conference


This program is designed to impart the best and latest information to the Table Games, Surveillance and Compliance sectors of the Gaming Industry so that they may perform at optimum levels moving forward. By combining the most integral elements of what we’ve learned and what we’re going to learn at this conference, all of our operational goals will be in reach.

We will discuss much about new technologies gaining footholds in these three vital sectors, with heavy emphasis on Artificial Intelligence, Facial Recognition, IT, and all the new and developing technologies that will safeguard our casinos from criminal and dangerous activity, and also the dangers that these technologies can pose.

We will also cover Analytics, Goal Optimization, Product Development, Safer Gambling, Omnichannel Gaming, New Table Games and Leadership. Special sessions will take a look at the menacing risks of Cyber Attacks, Social Engineering of Employees and other high-stakes vulnerabilities. There are lots to learn for everyone at this premier London event.

The European Casino Association’s 2024 Safety and Security Workshop will take place within the GTGC/GGPC.

Simon Thomas is one of the most innovative leaders in the European gaming market. During his 35 years in the industry, he has gained a reputation for developing world-class customer-centred gaming and entertainment venues – first with bingo clubs and then in casinos. London’s Hippodrome Casino, which Simon built and then opened in 2012, is known throughout the casino industry world for its high standards of customer service and spirit of perpetual improvement. A key figure in public policy discourse on the gaming market, Simon has called attention in the past to the threat that operators face from rising illiberalism and attempts to depict gambling as “the new tobacco” (bizarre as it may seem, some British Government officials have even suggested that traditional casino playing cards be banned). At a time when the industry is under heightened pressure, Simon’s message is simple – be proud. Simon will talk to us about his pride in what he and his team have accomplished over the last 12 years, his plans for the future, the importance of fun and socialization, and why we must stand up for the rights of our customers.

Richard Marcus is widely considered the greatest professional casino cheat in the history of legalized casinos. For 25 years he plied his trade in casinos across the globe, and two of his favorite places were Europe and the UK, where he and his teams cheated relentlessly and successfully at roulette. Most people in the industry believe that high-level cheating needs to be performed by slight of hand, deft fingers and other physical attributes. Not true, Richard says. It’s all about the psychology. Anyone can do the cheat moves, even your ninety-five year-old great-grandmother. But getting them paid is a whole other story. Richard will show you how it’s done.

  • State of the industry and future Legislation
  • Profit and Loss 
  • Sustainable Gaming
  • Recruitment, Training and Retention
  • Most impressive innovations in Table Gaming

Robert and Tony will give an eye-opening lesson on casinos’ unique challenges when it comes to the application of new “Facial Intelligence” to deal with all of them. They will speak on each of FI’s frontiers, including the competition for guest experience, protecting the integrity of casino operations, and taking proactive steps to protect against serious threats from very bad actors. They will look at FI operating in real-world conditions, where errors in identification can happen (false positive & negatives), which can have devastating consequences. They will also examine the legal aspects of FI as it relates to casinos, focusing on the US, UK, Europe and Australia. Questions answered will be: Where is FI prohibited? Where is it allowed? Where is it mandatory? How can casinos avoid legal, compliance and data-protection issues? You will leave this session with the understanding of all facets of FI that are necessary to maintain it as an effective tool for the overall benefit of your casinos.

Since the beginning of humanity, people have always demanded entertainment in one form or another, including gambling. However, back in the day, or better said-way back in the day, there wasn’t any documented behavioural science to tell us what kind of entertainment attracted cavemen. But today, that science exists in force and can answer questions such as: What drives how people think and feel about their entertainment experience? How do entertainment needs vary with different psychological traits? What appeals and reassures different segments of populations? What puts them off? Dan Thwaites has quite an interesting perspective on this topic and how it relates to casino behaviour and entertainment.

Patrick Fagan will show you how to get inside your customers’ heads while optimising your platform with behavioural science nudges. You will leave this session with concrete, actionable ideas, ready to apply behavioural science to your challenges. 

David and Robert host this keen round table that will demonstrate how Positive Play can not only protect players but also support player acquisition, retention and enhance the overall customer experience at the same time, making sure customers have an enjoyable time while at your venue. With a focus on the customers’ gambling literacy, important aspects of how customers are engaged, which can differ greatly between venues, will be discussed to ensure players are not turned off by safer gambling messaging, but rather see it as a part of their customer journey. How can compliance, safer gambling and commercial teams all work together for the benefit of the operator? This dynamite panel will give us those answers.

Cheating and advantage play have been part of gambling since the very beginning, but now the stakes are higher than ever. Online Live Dealer Casino games face the same relentless challenges as brick-and-mortar casinos, but with a high-tech twist. Sure, being online, we are keeping players at a distance that might eliminate some of the old-school risks, but it also opens the door to new, sophisticated threats. Imagine players rigging cameras, reading screens, and using powerful computers to transform a true count into a perfect count—all in real-time.

The future of advantage play is here, and it’s time to fight back. Join our session to discover how to protect your games from the latest threats and learn how online and land-based casinos can share tactics and stay one step ahead of the cheats.

Ever since Covid, B&M casino operations across the world have suffered. But it seems the problem has gone beyond Covid in Europe. Recent casino difficulties on the continent have intensified the threat to the industry, highlighted by the stunning news that Sweden’s Cosmopol Casino in Stockholm, the last one in the country, will close by January, 2026. So, what can be done to halt the slide? In the US, the problem stems from an increase in online gaming and a decrease of casino personnel. A large percentage of dealers who were laid off during Covid never came back to the industry. But what are the current threats to European B&M casinos? What has caused them? Damir Gegic, who has held high-level executive casino posts on both sides of the “Pond,” has unique insight into these issues. He will compare the difficulties he’s encountered in US and European casinos and offer his imput on potential solutions for Europe. Can European operators learn from initiatives taken by their American counterparts? The problem is complex but Damir will take a good shake at it.

8:00-9:15 Breakfast served, be early

In the high-stakes world of the gambling industry, the consequences of a successful cyber attack can be catastrophic. Casinos and online gambling platforms handle vast amounts of sensitive data, including personal information, financial transactions, player gambling habits, and proprietary algorithms. The industry’s reliance on digital infrastructure and real-time operations makes it an attractive target for cybercriminals seeking to exploit vulnerabilities for financial gain, data theft, and operational disruption.

“Autopsy of a Cyber Attack” is a hands-on workshop designed to dissect the anatomy of a cyber attack specifically within the context of the gambling industry. Led by Marco Capozzi, Managing Director EMEA at Bulletproof (a GLI Company) a seasoned information security expert with 20+ years of experience, 15 of which within gaming), this session will delve into the lifecycle of a cyber attack, from initial reconnaissance to final remediation. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the powerful and within everyone`s teach tactics, techniques, and procedures used by attackers to compromise gambling platforms and learn how to effectively defend against such threats.

Throughout the workshop, attendees will engage in practical exercises that simulate real-world scenarios, providing them with the skills and knowledge needed to detect, respond to, and prevent cyber attacks. By examining a real-world case study, participants will explore the multifaceted nature of cyber threats and develop strategies to enhance their organizations’ cybersecurity posture. This workshop is tailored to address the unique challenges faced by the gambling industry, including the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in both attacks and defences, ensuring that participants leave with actionable insights and practical tools to safeguard their digital assets.

Marco Capozzi

In the high-stakes world of the gambling industry, the consequences of a successful cyber attack can be catastrophic. Casinos and online gambling platforms handle vast amounts of sensitive data, including personal information, financial transactions, player gambling habits, and proprietary algorithms. The industry’s reliance on digital infrastructure and real-time operations makes it an attractive target for cybercriminals seeking to exploit vulnerabilities for financial gain, data theft, and operational disruption.

“Autopsy of a Cyber Attack” is a hands-on workshop designed to dissect the anatomy of a cyber attack specifically within the context of the gambling industry. Led by Marco Capozzi, Managing Director EMEA at Bulletproof (a GLI Company) a seasoned information security expert with 20+ years of experience, 15 of which within gaming), this session will delve into the lifecycle of a cyber attack, from initial reconnaissance to final remediation. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the powerful and within everyone`s teach tactics, techniques, and procedures used by attackers to compromise gambling platforms and learn how to effectively defend against such threats.

Throughout the workshop, attendees will engage in practical exercises that simulate real-world scenarios, providing them with the skills and knowledge needed to detect, respond to, and prevent cyber attacks. By examining a real-world case study, participants will explore the multifaceted nature of cyber threats and develop strategies to enhance their organizations’ cybersecurity posture. This workshop is tailored to address the unique challenges faced by the gambling industry, including the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in both attacks and defences, ensuring that participants leave with actionable insights and practical tools to safeguard their digital assets.

Marco Capozzi

There are two distinct parts to any successful and secure Security or Surveillance operation. And they’re about as symbiotic as can be. Of course, we’re talking about the optimum cooperation of human beings and high technology. For that cooperation to serve to its fullest, human beings working casino security and surveillance must input into technology and then extract and successfully interpret the data coming back from that technology. Ted Whiting will draw upon his career expertise to enlighten us on the newest and most efficient high-tech solutions for casinos. He will cover the evolution of surveillance systems and discuss the latest security systems supported by Artificial Intelligence and Facial Recognition. He will elaborate on case studies of successful security implementations, identifying unusual or dangerous behaviour while going through the proper channels of evidence-gathering when that bad behaviour results in prosecutable criminal activity in casinos. Everything from security robots to proper cash handling will be examined. Ted won’t miss anything, and after this session, neither will you.

One of the vast differences between the American and European gaming industries is the amount of attention paid to Safer Gambling. In Europe, attention to promoting this topic is at a level so high that there is even an entire week known as “Safer Gambling Week” in the UK and 20 other countries, whereas in the American gaming industry, the topic hardly exists outside of self-help groups. But when it comes to the physical protection of customers and employees, both gaming markets on either side of the “Pond” ramp up their interest and take proactive measures to ensure that protection. Mike will draw upon his career experiences to explain how his company, and many other major US casino companies, train and prepare their staff on how to handle anything and everything that can threaten the safety of customers and employees. He will speak on the maintenance of vigilance required of people from the top to the bottom of the security/surveillance chain as well as the behavior and reaction needed in the face of multi-risk threat scenarios such as robbery, aggression, terrorism, active shooters, human trafficking and whatever else can upend the safety of people inside our casinos.

It is a reality that along with gambling and entertainment, crime goes hand in hand with casinos. Be it random violent crime, mass shootings, domestic and international terrorism, insurance fraud, ID theft, human trafficking, or the new arrival known as “social engineering” of employees, the words “casino fraud” have certainly taken on a new, more expansive meaning. Our panel of accomplished experts will give us the lowdown on what to watch for and what to do once you see or suspect such criminal activity in your casinos.

When we think of Advantage Play, we usually think of an automatic shuffler and decks of cards, but Rick Perazzo is here to shift the AP focus to the little ivory ball. What makes roulette so vulnerable to AP? That range is wide: everything from improper wheel maintenance to radar detector-like devices to measure the speed of the wheel and the ball to predict a landing section. And take it one step further to cheating: how cheats create their own biases using magnets, metals, pads and false laminates they slip into the number pockets when dealers and supervisors are busy NOT doing their jobs. It goes as far as ballsy and efficient cheats using air compressors to blow the ball right out of the ball track to change the outcome, and actual wheel drilling as well. So, after this plethora of daring cheat events, Rick will give a surveillance lesson on how to detect biased wheels, no matter how they got that way, how they should be physically inspected, and how to monitor Table Games to ensure they are properly maintaining the integrity of the wheels.

Rick Perazzo

Join us for an insightful presentation that explores the intricate landscape of money laundering, terrorist financing, and criminal lifestyle spending within the casino industry. We will unpack common and emerging threats, trends, and typologies, offering a fresh perspective on typical player behaviours through the lens of AML. Attendees will learn to identify often-overlooked red flags, empowering operational leaders and first-line employees to effectively detect and prevent money laundering risk.

Additionally, we’ll demonstrate how deploying simple, organic Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) techniques can enhance due diligence and screening/ongoing monitoring processes, and clarify narratives in suspicious activity investigations, equipping MLROs and AML, Fraud, and Compliance Teams to safeguard their businesses from criminal exploitation.

Successful security and surveillance departments, meaning ones that consistently protect their guests and employees, recognize and prosecute crime, advantage play, and the issues affecting the profitability of the property, share common elements that develop and maintain that achievement. These departments are the leading edge for their properties in all things security and resort protection. What sets them apart? How do they do it? In this session we highlight the proven elements of success you can apply to your own department to join the ranks of the world class operations.

8:00-9:00 Breakfast served, be early

With the increase in the number of slot machines in UK gaming markets, and the same likely to occur on the continent’s casinos, gaming operators are going to need to know more than ever which machines to install in their establishments and which ones to avoid. In this presentation, Ari will show you how he learned some crucial slot realities so stunning they have moved casinos to get rid of some of their slot machines. And it was actually Table Games Analytics that led to his discovery. Simply put, there are Slot Advantage Players out there earning 7-figure incomes each year while playing free and under the radar, and they’re laughing all the way to the bank. Their advantage is so strong that there’s only one thing you can do to protect yourselves against it: Get rid of these particular slot machines if you have them! And don’t dare to install them if you don’t!

The term “Advantage Play” came into the casino lexicon some twenty years ago. It is the most used terminology to describe players beating the casino legitimately without cheating. Until recently it centered completely on casino games using playing cards. But that began to change with the advent of roulette advantage play tactics. Slot machines, on the other hand, had avoided being grouped into advantage play. But that has also changed. Today’s Brick & Mortar casino world is now being victimized by bullying, organized slot-machine advantage play syndicates who have figured out how to beat the machines legitimately and push competing players out of their way. Using knowledge to identify which machines have the best pay rates and then combining that with play that gives an exaggerated impression of action due to large coin-in turnover amounts finally attracts the attention of casino marketing departments. This leads these unscrupulous slot gangs to loyalty awards and free-play offers which at times give them a whopping advantage over the casino. Rick will also cover the outright compromise of slot machines via stacker theft scams and reverse engineering of pseudorandom number generators.

Rick Perazzo

Join Joe Hall and Jon Reuben, co-founders of Gift & Go, for an insightful session on “The Dynamics of Gifting & The Effect on Continuity.” This presentation will delve into how gifting technology transforms player engagement and continuity in casinos. Learn about the psychology of gifting and its impact on player loyalty, explore Gift & Go’s innovative concept, and see data-driven strategies in action. Joe and Jon will share real-world success stories across a range of properties and discuss future trends in casino gifting.

This session is essential for marketing professionals looking to enhance player retention and drive long-term success through cutting-edge gifting solutions. UK and European casinos should definitely get on this train!

This session addresses the totality of Remote Play, a hugely important component of casino-style Gaming. Dan takes us on a 4-tiered analysis that looks at the integral facets of Remote Play. They are:

Technological Perspective

As technology progresses, traditional gaming venues are transforming, allowing players to enjoy their favorite games from virtually anywhere. Remote Play technology bridges the gap between the physical and digital worlds, offering new ways for players to engage and access the games they love.

Player Perspective

A significant focus will be on understanding why players prefer physical games online over purely digital options. Dan will present the mathematical, emotional and psychological reasons behind these choices, including the importance of nostalgic appeal and games

Operator Perspective

The target audience of a land-based operator is changing, and it is now able (using the existing investment in gaming infrastructure) to target players 24-7 from the entirety of a country (even internationally depending on legislation). A short analysis of the impact on the brand, potential increase of revenues, existing customers, and operations.

Regulatory Perspective

The cornerstone of Remote Play from a regulatory perspective is simple: does it go under online licensing or land-based licensing? Which is the correct answer? This is something that is worth discussing from the industry point of view.

“Do they help each other or do they steal customers from each other?” Damir Gegic asks. He then points out how online casinos have risen in every aspect of technology. There are more of them; they are technologically as perfect as the latest version smart phones and have easier accessibility and enhanced security. In the meantime, land-based casinos did not just sit and watch the online evolution. Their operations have also significantly upgraded: New slot games, modern and comfortable cabinets, bigger displays with the latest technology graphics, multi-theme ETGs and multi-casino life-changing progressive jackpots on table games. The main differences between B&M and online remain: types of players; physical vs cyber security; limited vs unlimited space; slots and table games accessibility; social experience, etc.

So, are B&M and online casinos friends or enemies? Damir believes they started as enemies but it didn’t take much for land-based casinos to realize that online casinos were just another evolution in gaming. Adjustments had to be made. The first was to accept the existence of online casinos and then benefit from the higher number of people who were gambling because of online gambling initiation. But the paramount adjustment large land-based casino companies made was creating their own version of online casinos as part of their brands, as did MGM and Caesars in the US and Admiral and Merkur in Europe. So where does co-existence go from here?  

Program subject to change

Breakfast and Lunch included and served as indicated by the program.

Dinner at Heliot Steak House and Chop Chop by Four Seasons is available with 20% discount on food and drinks. 17th to 20th of November, 2024.